what are signs that there are ghosts/demons living in your house?

Question by : what are signs that there are ghosts/demons living in your house?
okay so i just moved in this house like last month and my family thinks that it used to be a meth lab where they made pot, weed, cocaine etc. ’cause there are nails around all the windows like if you would put up a cloth over them to hid from the cops…. And random nuckle prints in the walls (like somone had punched them). Well what are some signs that my house could be haunted? Because i don’t feel safe in this house at alll! And i’m a christian if your wondering, but i do believe in ghosts and demons! In the middle of the night i wake up like i’m falling ? like i randomly jump off my bed! But i do not remember my dream or what happened? Any ideas?
Yesterday I saw “someone” (like a shadow figure) running into the closet of my brothers room across the hallway at like 9:45? …. It was DEFFINETALLY NOT my brother or anybody else in my family….
well whatever they made or grew was illegal, i’m not an expert lmfao! (:

Best answer:

Answer by sqlguy
There is nothing whatsoever in what you said to indicate any form of paranormal activity, even if you think that is an ordinary possibility.

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