Has anyone seen the MSNBC prison documentaries?
Question by mac man: Has anyone seen the MSNBC prison documentaries?
Why send a non-violent offender into a violent prison system with the goal of “rehabilitation”? There is more drugs and violence in prison then on the street. Could the prison-industrial complex be responsible for transforming petty criminals into super… Continue reading
Can someone go to jail for reckless driving? hes on probation now .?
Question by thisisme: Can someone go to jail for reckless driving? hes on probation now .?
His last conviction was:
Criminal Mischief 2nd Deg Breach Of Peace 2nd Deg Sentenced: 30 Days Jail, Threatening 2nd Deg … and few years ago he was in jail for 30 days for DUI… Continue reading
psycological ways to fix depression?
Question by C-roy: psycological ways to fix depression?
I’m bipolar, and have been taking medicine, but recently I decided to make a change, and not think to seriously into the thoughts, and I would move on. It is very hard for me to do it and it was like i… Continue reading
If u have a drug conviction can u travel to japan or Canada?
Question by soin lopez: If u have a drug conviction can u travel to japan or Canada?
Best answer:
Answer by Carl_the_Truth
Felony conviction ? You won’t be seeing Japan. Not sure about Canada. Do you have a passport ?
Answer by Charlie
Absolutely NOT Canada. After 10 years, you… Continue reading
Is there anyone else out there who feels that the laws should be made stiffer for crimes?
Question by kathy h: Is there anyone else out there who feels that the laws should be made stiffer for crimes?
with all the crimes committed today murders, drive by shootings,etc. Why do these crimnals get by so easy? There should be stiffer penalties for crimes, and it should start… Continue reading
britain has lost the plot agree or disagree?
Question by wilsonj5: britain has lost the plot agree or disagree?
britain is a shadow of its former self, for instance look at our military it is underfunded, immigration is spiraling out of control,our manufacturing is all but gone and we are run by politicians who don’t give a dam… Continue reading