The Do’s and Don’ts of Hair Alcohol Testing and Hair Drug Testing

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hair Alcohol Testing and Hair Drug Testing

When you hire your employees, it’s best to do some back ground checks on them, whether it means calling references, looking closely at their resumes and previous lines of work, or asking them to undergo <a title=Hair drug testing at TriMega! rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’);” href=>hair drug testing</a> or <a title=EtG alcohol testing at TriMega! rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’);” href=>EtG alcohol testing</a>,.

What Employees Should Know About Alcohol and Drug Screening for Employment
•    Several acceptance letters are contingent on potential employees passing their drug and alcohol tests.
•    It may be an invasive procedure demanding blood, saliva, urine or hair samples.
•    The accurate hair drug tests and EtG alcohol tests used today can reveal up to 12 months of alcohol and drug use.
•    Because second-hand marijuana smoke and crack cocaine can be absorbed into your hair even if you are not doing the drugs, but just by hanging around with people who are doing them- it’s best not to hang around those people if you are looking for a job.

To Prevent Your Drug Test From False Positives  
If you are not a drug user and you fail the drug screening, be as straightforward with the employer as possible, let them know that you are not a drug user and ask them if they would please do a confirmation test. The following is a list of over-the-counter medications which have been known to cause false positives in drug testing:
•    Ibuprofen
•    Midol
•    Nuprin
•    Sudafed
•    Vicks Nasal Spray
•    Ephedra and Ephedrine-based products (often used in diet products)
•    Detromethorphan
•    Vicks 44
Employers for doctors, pilots, drivers and other positions demanding 100 percent attention while ensuring the safety and responsibility for other people, want to make absolute certain of who they are investing in. Besides the safety of the public, employers are also concerned about their reputation want to avoid lawsuits.

Screening employees for drug abuse is nothing new. The need to screen employees for alcohol abuse has always been a concern but hardly been possible with previous methods because prior testing methods were inaccurate and therefore a waste of company money.
With hair drug testing and EtG alcohol testing, you can feel confident knowing you hired the right person for the job and the public can feel better knowing that highly certified and respected employees were accurately screened for the benefit of public safety.

About the author: Melissa Peterman is a web content specialist for Innuity For more information regarding hair drug testing or EtG alcohol testing, go to Trimega Labs