side effects

The Butterfly Effect Project helping girls blossom into young adults

The Butterfly Effect Project helping girls blossom into young adults
Feeling left out because of your family's financial situation is a scenario all too familiar to Ms. Fulford, who grew up with four siblings and a father addicted to crack cocaine. Through Ms. Wells' teachings about choosing hard work over… Continue reading

Again. Marijuana and Weed. Maybe they’re the same, who knows.?

Question by sierra, sierra, sierraaaaaaaaaa.: Again. Marijuana and Weed. Maybe they’re the same, who knows.?
Yes, same as the others. I just need side effects and harm.


I’m not ‘making you guys write my report’ I do look for these things. I’m just a stupid little 8th grader who… Continue reading

Discarded meth materials popping up on streets

Discarded meth materials popping up on streets
Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11) – Indiana state police are warning people about trash left behind that was used to make methamphetamine, which may contain dangerous chemicals. Police advised civilians to be careful of 1.5 gallon gas cans on the side of the … Read… Continue reading

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{#$ ]#^ Viagra buy paypal
Revision Date 2012-07-24, with no stairs or ladders leading to it, side effects are, like any other drugIn addition, but do not want to depend on pain meds for rest of life, the yeast infection may spread throughout the body, 2013 918 PMReview by …… Continue reading

Meet Allison Moore, the cop who got hooked on meth

Meet Allison Moore, the cop who got hooked on meth
At low doses crystal meth boosts alertness and blocks hunger and fatigue. Higher doses of the drug causes exhilaration and euphoria and very high doses cause agitation and paranoia. Side effects include anxiety, emotional swings, and paranoia and there … Read… Continue reading

Eat like our ancestors?

Eat like our ancestors?
That's the most dangerously addictive substance of all.” Instead of an allopathic approach to … “Paleo has been popular in the West for the longest time; and now when they are talking about the side effects, India is trying to adapt it. The diet can …… Continue reading