
Heather Raybon disfigured in Illegal meth lab explosion 'caught making drug again'

Heather Raybon disfigured in Illegal meth lab explosion 'caught making drug again'
Filed under: meth symptoms

Prolonged meth use can result in symptoms like those of Parkinson's disease and type-two schizophrenia. Meth causes increased heart rate and blood pressure and can cause irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain,… Continue reading

Methamphetamine Side Effects: "Bath salt" drug now illegal; said not to be Big Country problem

Methamphetamine Side Effects in the News

Methamphetamine Side Effects: "Bath salt" drug now illegal; said not to be Big Country problem
But Taylor County officials say that the drug — reported to mimic the side effects of LSD, cocaine and methamphetamine — was never a problem in the area. "Hopefully,… Continue reading

Study: More US adults using illegal drugs

Methamphetamine Treatments in the News

Methamphetamine Treatments: Study: More US adults using illegal drugs
For example, the number of people using methamphetamine has dropped by about half between 2006 and 2010, going from 731000 to 353000. In addition, cocaine use has dropped from 2.4 million users in 2006 to 1.5… Continue reading

6 Month Jail Term for Illegal Diet Pill Seller

Article by Andres Hudson

A 44-year old man has been hit with a 6-month jail term for supplying unlicensed diet pills illegally. The man was found guilty of using his internet site to supply slimming pills containing ephedrine, which sold as an unlicensed preparation is a chargeable offence under the… Continue reading

Illegal Drug Trade; What are the Street prices of commonly traded illegal substances?

Question by Dr Monk: Illegal Drug Trade; What are the Street prices of commonly traded illegal substances?
I am writing an essay on the global, nationalized and local effects of the drug trade on their respective economies. In order to write an all-encompassing paper i need to know the… Continue reading

Which illegal drugs have which effects?

Question by ebmid2: Which illegal drugs have which effects?
Of the following illegal drugs:

Which of the following effects do each of them have:
1. Short term intoxication
2. Long term brain damage
3. Addiction
4. Negative health effects
Here’s an example of… Continue reading