Illegal Drug Trade; What are the Street prices of commonly traded illegal substances?

Question by Dr Monk: Illegal Drug Trade; What are the Street prices of commonly traded illegal substances?
I am writing an essay on the global, nationalized and local effects of the drug trade on their respective economies. In order to write an all-encompassing paper i need to know the average prices drugs are traded for on the streets. I already have a lot of specifics on international trade and large scale distribution so what i’m really in need of are the prices “users” pay. I need all the pricing info i can get on Marijuana, Methamphetamines, Herion (and other opium derivatives), Crack/Cocaine, psychotropic Mushrooms, LSD, Prescription narcotics like Oxycodone or hydrocodone and ecstacy. (Please include weights and measures of said substances)

Now given that prices for all products vary around the world, would you (if you’re comfortable doing so) put the country and state from which you are citing your prices; All for the sake of detailed research. Thanks, Trent

Best answer:

Answer by BanjoEclipse
Well, I’ve only ever bought a few of those drugs. Here are the prices for the drugs bought in Berkeley, California, all in dollar amounts:

Marijuana: 20-75 for an eighth oz depending on the potency and quality. For most people to get stoned once it costs 1-5, generally on the lower end for infrequent smokers.

Mushrooms: 15-35 for an eighth oz, also depending on the potency. An eighth is generally considered a dose for one person to have a good trip, though eighths can vary somewhat in their psilocybin content. Most eighths cost 20.

LSD: 5-15 for a hit or tab, 1-5 when getting it from a well connected person. A single blotter of LSD can contain anywhere from 50-400 micrograms, but is usually between 50 and 120 unless specified otherwise. For a real trip, most people need 100-250 micrograms of LSD.

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Crack Cocaine User: Trash Cash

A rap about the descent of drug users. This rap video was inspired by a documentary I am working on about a Crack Cocaine user who descended into a life of homelessness and petty theft. When I met him he would eat out of garbage cans and use the money gained from panhandling to feed his addiction.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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