Crystal Meth Addiction

Man arrested after strolling naked through Walmart blames behavior on Meth

Man arrested after strolling naked through Walmart blames behavior on Meth
The incident occured just before midnight last Thursday, after employees at the Tega Cay Walmart spotted Kevin Hughes, 36, walking naked in the Health and Beauty section, reports WBTV. When the cops arrived they found Hughes shopping in the… Continue reading

Considering the Effects of Mass Incarceration

Considering the Effects of Mass Incarceration
PENALTIES FOR CRACK, the crystallized form of the cocaine, which comes in powder form, are harsh compared to those for cocaine. Although the drugs are pharmaceutically the same, a person possessing 28 grams of crack faces a mandatory five year … Read more on Virginia… Continue reading

'This is just the beginning': Mayor Rob Ford launches election campaign

'This is just the beginning': Mayor Rob Ford launches election campaign
City council removed most of Ford's powers after he admitted to having smoked crack cocaine. "There's been some rocky moments over the past year. I have experienced how none of us can go through life without … The main… Continue reading

Watch magician Darcy Oake, son of Hockey Night in Canada's Scott Oake, wow

Watch magician Darcy Oake, son of Hockey Night in Canada's Scott Oake, wow
“He was attracted into the wrong crowd at school and started smoking marijuana,” Oake told the U.K. Sun of his brother, who developed dependencies on heroin, crystal meth and painkillers. “By 21, he was a full-blown… Continue reading

Meth Teeth 2 @ SMMR BMMR 8/13/10

Meth Teeth 2 @ SMMR BMMR 8/13/10


Wiseman accepts plea deal
“I suggest to you she has lied through her teeth throughout this entire trial.” Slaughter also said Wiseman told multiple … The prosecution's case, he said, largely relied on testimony from meth addicts and prison inmates. “She's… Continue reading

Prairie du Chien police address meth problem

Prairie du Chien police address meth problem
So it's a continuous battle for all jurisdictions that have a methamphetamine problem." Prairie du Chien police regularly hold community meetings to educate residents on the meth problem. They teach people the dangers of meth, and also how to spot … Read more… Continue reading