Still sucking my thumb?
Question by Keira: Still sucking my thumb?
Im 16 and i still suck my thumb AND i have a blanket that i carrie around everywhere. It is embarrassing even if no one knows about it. Is it psychological? How do i stop?… Continue reading
How can I develop a work addiction?
Question by John T: How can I develop a work addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by rermain2
You don’t want to develop a work “addiction,” I think you want to develop a work ETHIC.
Answer by Pastor
How about developing healthy work habits, instead. Have you heard of the 21 day… Continue reading
Itchy watery eyes, runny nose, constant sneezing?
Question by Zi: Itchy watery eyes, runny nose, constant sneezing?
I went to the allergiest and was told i don’t have allergies and im not allergic to anything, however, my eyes are really itcy, im constantly sneezing, and my nose is runny. What could this be? PS i do have… Continue reading
Does the Department of Health and Human Services recognize Video Game Addiction as an illness?
Question by Bobby D: Does the Department of Health and Human Services recognize Video Game Addiction as an illness?
Please include a source.
Best answer:
Answer by Mum Mum
Any addiction is a problem, not a disease.
Answer by Blondie7
im not sure, but i know that… Continue reading
I’m addicted to eating?
Question by Morgan: I’m addicted to eating?
I always over eat and even though I exercise a lot and I’m very active, I have a very slow metabolism. I will eat good for about 2 weeks and then I will over eat and gain weight back. What are some things… Continue reading