Restoration house program for mothers with drug problems?
Question by djvenney: Restoration house program for mothers with drug problems?
A community based residentioal treatment program for women with dependent children, shows that 70 percent of women who completed follow up interviews six months after treatment have maintained abstinence or reduced their drug use. The other 30 percent, however,… Continue reading
What is the purpose of criminal sentencing?
Question by Jedi Gangster: What is the purpose of criminal sentencing?
Best answer:
Answer by doggenfreek
To punish the criminal for their crime?
Answer by Andreas
To punish a person for the crime they were convicted of committing. To remove their freedom to move about in society for some specified… Continue reading
Saw movie storyline in chronological order?
Question by Richard: Saw movie storyline in chronological order?
I just watched Saw VI yesterday, after having seen all the previous ones in order of release. I understand (sort of) what’s going on, but does anyone have a good chronological plot synopsis as if the whole series was played out,… Continue reading
Is prison really helping to rehabilitate inmates?
Question by flowersinbloom25: Is prison really helping to rehabilitate inmates?
Mature and intelligible answers please!
Best answer:
Answer by Jessica K
No. And I’ll tell you why.
I am a reporter, and last year my beat was to cover the area of New Haven in Connecticut. If you are unfamiliar… Continue reading
What good is sending criminals to jail?
Question by Pe-a-ce: What good is sending criminals to jail?
If the vast majority gets out more dangerous than when they came?
Best answer:
Answer by God’s little girl
at very least it keeps us safe for a time…not to mention that several dangerous criminals are put away for life.… Continue reading
Can you teach in California schools with felonies, drug related?
Question by angelaamerson1999: Can you teach in California schools with felonies, drug related?
I have a few felonies on my jacket that are over 10 years old, can I still become a certified teacher in California?
Best answer:
Answer by Turk
As far as I know, unless any laws have… Continue reading