I’m subconsciously determined to binge. How can I “un-do” it?
Question by : I’m subconsciously determined to binge. How can I “un-do” it?
I need to know how to play the same game my subconscious and addiction want to play on me. I have weighed up to 50 pounds more than what I weight now. I have lost the weight… Continue reading
Is addiction a disease or a choice?
Question by M fan: Is addiction a disease or a choice?
I keep hearing people say that alcohol and or drug addiction is a disease but that seems to be stretching the definition just a bit. Even if you are addicted and have a dependence on a drug, you’re still… Continue reading
Is sugar addiction real and do I have it?
Question by Greg D: Is sugar addiction real and do I have it?
Lol sugar addiction sounds like a load of bullshit but I could see how it could be plausible. I was just reading this – http://www.ehow.com/facts_5509791_sugar-addiction-symptoms.html and I have a lot of the “symptoms” described in that article.… Continue reading
What does acid do to you? The drug?
Question by Roxanne: What does acid do to you? The drug?
I never plan on doing acid but what can this drug do to someone in the long run? Heart attack? Any kind of diseases? Cancers?
Best answer:
Answer by Jen
It can cause latent mental disorders to surface… :-/… Continue reading
What makes drinking a “disease”?
Question by John Wilson: What makes drinking a “disease”?
Why do people think drinking is a disease when it is a habit.
Best answer:
Answer by Jimmy Pete
When you get cirrhosis of the liver it is a disease!
Answer by jsbrads
the person becomes dependant and the person’s brain… Continue reading
Is obesity a disease? Do you believe that it should be classified as a chronic disease? Why or why not?
Question by Monkey: Is obesity a disease? Do you believe that it should be classified as a chronic disease? Why or why not?
Best answer:
Answer by jabberwocky
No, it is not a disease. You can’t catch obesity. It is completely preventable.
Answer by Tiktaalik
Obesity itself is not a… Continue reading