Ahmad Khawaja Generously Supports the Brent Shapiro Foundation For Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) August 22, 2010

Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence continue to be one of our nation’s most devastating issues. Substance abuse is problem that does not discriminate, affecting individuals from all ages, social classes, races and education levels. Mr. Ahmad Khawaja, successful businessman, philanthropist and entrepreneur, recognizes this growing epidemic as a problem that affects not only those burdened by the disease, but those close to the individuals and community as a whole.

Ahmad Khawaja was struck with empathy and extensively researched a way he could contribute to the efforts of thwarting this truly heartbreaking disease, and came upon the Brent Shapiro Foundation for drug and alcohol awareness. The organization was founded upon “personal tragedy,” and strives to “turn the fear, grief, and helplessness caused from this disease into awareness, compassion, and support” for those struggling.

“We cannot sit by and condemn these individuals for their flaws,” urges Ahmad Khawaja. “Rather, we must see them for what they are, victims. Like any victim, they need help, and it’s our responsibility as members of society to assist them. Everyone knows an individual with this disease or at least someone who has been affected by it.”

Having the resources and ability to lend assistance, Ahmad Khawaja continues to generously donate to the Brent Shapiro Foundation in hopes to eventually rid our communities of this terrible disease. “That’s exactly what it is, a disease! Sure some may have made some bad decisions initially, but like any other disease, charitable efforts are vital in decreasing the problem, and I’m glad I can do my part.”

If you interested in doing your part, please visit the Brent Shapiro Foundation and become involved. http://www.brentshapiro.org
