WNY has 3 of state's worst greenhouse gas polluters

WNY has 3 of state's worst greenhouse gas polluters
“Western New York bears a disproportionate burden when it comes to pollution and this is no exception,” said Brian Smith, spokesman for the nonprofit advocacy group Citizens Campaign for the Environment. Somerset, Dunkirk and Huntley released 7.7 … Read more on Investigative Post

Movie review: The World's End
They're brought together by Gary King, played by Pegg, the one member of the group who hasn't moved on from his partying teenage years. While the humour and tone feels familiar, there are a few changes to the formula. For a change, Frost plays the … Read more on New Zealand Herald

Exports could dry up if water is bought back
Professor Tim Benton, the head of the group, told the UK's Daily Telegraph that families need to cut the amount they eat by a third, supermarkets must cut pack sizes and end promotions designed to sell more food, and restaurants should serve smaller … Read more on Herald Sun

People not always so smart when it comes to their phones
I think it's an addiction for some people." so it would seem. a recent survey by Regina-based Phoenix Group looked at where saskatchewan residents are using their smartphones. The results are surprising and, at times, mind-boggling. Of the 160 people … Read more on StarPhoenix

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