Williams favors making pseudoephedrine available by prescription only

Williams favors making pseudoephedrine available by prescription only
Filed under: meth addicts

Don Sontheimer, a physician with CoxHealth, said he's seen enough meth addicts die of drug-induced heart disease that he's concluded stricter laws make sense. Making pseudoephedrine prescription-only won't hurt cold sufferers because other medicines …


Lufkin woman plans to make most of a second chance at life
Filed under: meth addicts

Her 18-year-old daughter freshly buried, she continued a downward spiral of meth addiction. “I started using heavy. I got high every day. Anything where it didn't hurt, so I could live in my own skin. I wasn't going to grieve,” she said. …


A Win Over Meth
Filed under: meth addicts

While the drug is still around, the county has managed to increase convictions and reduce recidivism among drug users. Meth has been a problem is the Wabash Valley for a long time. Daviess County officials decided the problem was so bad they sought …


Market Timing and You, a PSA
Filed under: meth addicts

Noted market timing guru Tom DeMark made a big, bold call this week that's got everybody running around like meth addicts in a disco. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (SPX) may advance to between 1330 and 1345 this month before the rally reverses, …


Children affected by meth

Interviews with law enforcement personnel and rescue homes that deal with children who have lived in meth homes or who have parents who are addicts.


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