Will propanolol show up on drug screen test?

Question by Curious: Will propanolol show up on drug screen test?
I will be pre-screened employment drug tested tomorrow and want to know if propanolol will show up on a 9 panel test. I am embarrased that I have to take it for anxiety.

Best answer:

Answer by junkie
yup…. it will show so i guess you are dead meat

Answer by baffscruff
Are you sure you have named the drug right? propanolol as far as i know (or can google) doesnt exist. If you mean propanol this is a type of alcohol, so yes it will probably show up on a drugs test if taken very recently, but if you simply do not take the tablet for a day your liver and kidneys should absorb most, if not all of it by your test tomorrow.

Anyway, if youve got a genuine doctor’s prescription you shouldnt have a problem, no matter what the drug is.

Hope that helped

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