Will I kill myself working out everyday?
Question by MissChiff: Will I kill myself working out everyday?
Is it better to work out every day or a few times a week?
Whats a good suggestion for a daily routine?
I have a beer belly, so other than “quit drinking” what else can i do to help myself?
Best answer:
Answer by Humag20
Try the atkins diet.
Answer by June
I would do some form of fitness daily, but then every other day do something more vigerous, so you break a sweat (like a hard sweat). That way you don’t get too tired. Also drink plenty of water daily (over 2 litres), and improve your diet (eat more fruits/vegetables, and less fats).
How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Forever – Update 2013 – Follow up 21 1/2 years of sobriety check-in.
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Common bonds
Quit. Join a poker group. Buy a sports car. Not if Owen Marcus has anything to say about it. He wants men to learn how to connect with their emotions and build a support group with other men – a bond that's more real than drinking beer and watching the … Read more on The Spokesman Review