Why would ANYONE want to try Crystal Meth?

Question by philip: Why would ANYONE want to try Crystal Meth?
I tried crystal meth. I have never been into drugs. I tried ecstasy in college, did coke a few times, also smoked pot twice.

I did not see any PLEASURE from my experience with the crystal meth. I do not get how ANYONE could possibly find anything of benefit from this drug. It made me feel REALLY, REALLY ANXIOUS, made my heart race and just made me think DARK and UNPLEASANT thoughts. I could not sleep for 24 hrs. And when I did fall asleep, I woke up the next day and my bed was SOAKING WET, from sweating this horrible chemical out of my system. Afterwards it just left me feeling ROBBED of all my emotions and leaving me depressed.

I have absolutely NO DESIRE to try it again or any other drug for that matter.

If you want to feel GOOD, sit and talk with a good friend or a family member, drugs are not the answer.

Best answer:

Answer by vkandis2002
crystal meth makes you popular and thin. Yummy

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