Why do so many people ignore, not know about or not care about this?

Question by CentralSet: Why do so many people ignore, not know about or not care about this?
there were 145 drunk driving deaths on memorial day in the US alone in 2005
there are an average of 46 drunk driving deaths on every other day of the year w/ memorial day being near the top, or the top in 2005.


So on a day dedicated to remembering those who died in war, 100 Americans are killed. Some innocent children when they are hit by drunk drivers.

Obviously these deaths are related to increased numbers of people drinking to ‘remember’ soldiers who died, yet nobody (or very few) acknowledges, knows about or even cares about those people (some innocent children) killed…

In medicine, there’s a saying, “if you need a treatment for a treatment, it is probably a pretty bad treatment.” (Referencing to the fact that there are many treatments for antidepressant addiction which are used to treat depression).

So if you need a memorial day for a memorial day, don’t you think there would be a little more concern?

Best answer:

Answer by opinionsearcher
Drinking has doubled since Obama became president, so have gun sales. Quite frankly people are worried about worse things.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Addiction Treatment: Professor Tom McLellan, Through the Maze: Making Treatment Better keynote address

Professor Tom McLellan, Director – Centre for Substance Abuse Solutions, University of Pennsylvania “Rethinking addiction treatment: Have we been thinking correctly?” Speaking at the 2011 Drug Policy Symposium Through the maze. Making Treatment Better. Wellington New Zealand 30th August 2011

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