Why do Creationists hate Mankind?

Question by SomeGuy83749303: Why do Creationists hate Mankind?
Do creationists ever stop to consider that their anti-science beliefs are detrimental to mankind?

“But an understanding of evolution doesn’t lead to anything that could benefit mankind!” The Creationist will say.

That would be like saying, after mankind discovered electricity, “We shouldn’t study electricity, it won’t lead to anything.” But electricity did lead to things, it led to computers, refrigeration, better medical equipment, better home heating. IT SAVED BILLIONS OF LIVES; people who would have died from starvation, or lack of heat, or one of a million other things.

When a Creationist actually takes the time to study evolution and biology (biology being a study which would collapse if Evolution were false, but of course it is not) then they would realize that within the not to distant future, an understanding of evolution will likely lead to the eradication of all disease, and it will allow us to grow new hearts, and limbs, and organs, for the suffering and downtrodden through a complete understanding of DNA. One day we will be able to write DNA, like a programmer writes computer code; but not if we don’t understand how DNA evolved, and continues to evolve to this day.

Those two examples are just givens, they WILL happen, once we completely master evolutionary study, and with it all of biology. Who knows what else we will accomplish for mankind. like I said, who knew that electricity, that blue, fleeting, painful substance, would one day lead to defibrillators and artificial hearts.

Let me give you an example of how evolutionary study will eradicate disease. To eradicate AIDS it will require an understanding of how the virus mutates; the virus mutates a full 1% of its DNA every year. Of course, mutate is just another word for darwinian evolution. There is no difference between the two. Viruses mutate according to natural selection. Not only will it require an understanding of how AIDS evolves, but also how it evolved. We can reverse engineer the virus using markers in its DNA. Viruses leave DNA markers every generation, like the rings on a tree. We can follow these markers back millions, if not billions of years, to figure out when it evolved its most potent characteristics. But of course, if we believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, then what good would it be to reverse engineer a virus back a billion years to when it was harmless?

What else could we do with a complete understanding of DNA? We could program drug addiction out of the human race. We could literally make it so that drugs do not give people a buzz, and therefore drug addiction becomes a thing of the past.

What sickens me most of all, is that when science does find these cures, the creationist will be the first in line to benefit. Count on it. Just like how they benefit now from our understanding of a round, rather than flat earth. Just like they benefit from the latest neuroscience that examines the human mind as a physical entity, rather than an intangible soul. Just like how they benefit from oil that was discovered with an experts knowledge of the location of ancient bogs and lake beds a billion years into the past.

I wonder if every time a creationists fills his or her car she takes the time to acknoledge that the gas was found only because an expert out there studied what the earth looked like, not 6,000, but 1 billion years ago, and earlier.

I could go on with my thoughts on creationists, but believe me, it would not pass the Yahoo decency test.

Best answer:

Answer by Maria Meadow Rose
Creationists don’t hate mankind.
Creationists aren’t against science either.

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