why do all these guests on makeover shows have THE WORST teeth like meth-mouth?

Question by Mr. T’s Pretty Cuzzin: why do all these guests on makeover shows have THE WORST teeth like meth-mouth?
I mean, I went to public shools and the dental hygeinist visited every year in elementary school to demonstrate with the big toothbrush and the big teeth every year, gave everyone toothbrush and toothpaste, etc… I mean it’s pretty easy. But these guests on Home Delivery and 10 Years Younger and all that ilk, they’re only like 25 with 1 half-rotten tooth remaining in the front, a few crows and bridges, and that’s it! They look like hillbillies. Is there some kind of hereditary disorder that gives such relatively young people such horrible teeth? Do they eat rock candy (sugar crystals) every meal and do meth?? What’s up with that???
Meth-mouth is pretty much well known now that 7-11s have stopped selling cough medicines, and pharmacies keep tabs on who buys how much cough syrup.

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer L
I can kinda understand what you are saying but isn’t that one of the reasons why they are on that show in the first place… to get a makeover?!

As a dental hygienist, I can tell you that some people are unaware, sometimes, of what it takes to take care of your mouth. Others have poor diets, lack of interest, lack of self worth and do not care. It all depends on the situation

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