Why Am I being called the monster?
Question by disablevet83: Why Am I being called the monster?
I posted a question about dilemma with wife and baby. Some people there jumped down my throat saying I have no compassion and am sort of monster. Tried to be brief in the question about how I feel and what going through at the moment. Right now with rehab for my lost leg is only one of the issues causing it to be even more difficult to deal with a wife in mental ward and a baby that is product of rape in the hospital ready to be released tomorrow. Like to add those that say oh just go see a counselor and if you really loved her you would be able to get past this. Also I Never said it was the babies fault and wish my wife the best if she wishes to keep the baby as has stated thus far. But This does not mean I am physically or mentally capable to do so myself. Either from the very facts given and not to include the problems I have to deal with on my own right now from not just the loss of a limb but also the loss of those that were with me the day I lost that limb. For those that say oh go to the VA and get counseling I live 4 hours away and have been told that can not see a counselor tell after the first of the year and that will just be a evaluation session. So please people what about some compassion for me I am doing what I can and what can deal with right now. I do not sleep much waking with the sounds and screams from the incident that caused me to lose my leg now. So having a new born around with just myself is not a good idea in of itself. Also I am not a religious man and have no desire to deal with some churches “supposed help” while having to listen to there preaching.
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Best answer:
Answer by I’m pretty blunt
Your right you are just to all over the place right now to be any ones husband or father. But you know what Sh!t happens. What can you do about it. Are you really going to happier by leaving your wife and letting her deal with this crap on her own, and you to deal with your crap on your own. NO! So here’s what you two can do pull together like a married couple and lean on each other for help love and support. At least ask some one a family member or some one to get the baby for you and ask them to take care of her until you and your wife figure things out.
People are calling you a monster, because you are not thinking about that poor baby girl in the hospital waiting for some one to come get her and snuggle her and love her. Imagine if that were you or some one you do love. The least you could do is show a little compassion for the child and find some one to look after her until you guys figure it out.
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