Who will forget how Karl Rove got his start, stealing and free alcohol in the Red Light District for the GOP?
Question by : Who will forget how Karl Rove got his start, stealing and free alcohol in the Red Light District for the GOP?
the White House will use “Bush’s Brain” or “Trud Blosoom”,, to say or do anything to promote their political lies,, Monica Goodling ain’t talking,, 5 million e-mails are missing, in 4 years,, ethics are nonexistent,, morality was left at the start gate,, how will American citizens respond to the Attorney General’s testimony?
look up Karl Rove in your websearch,, or has his biography disappeared?
Best answer:
Answer by litrix is for kids
Neddie, as a fellow flaming liberal, i do have to say that you are a dumbass
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