When using Visine eyedrops for contacts does it help the redness?
Question by JohnMyBoy: When using Visine eyedrops for contacts does it help the redness?
Hey! I have a big problem. Sometimes i smoke marijuana and i wear my contacts everyday. If i buy the visine for contacts does it help the redness? or does it just help moisture the eye. Also is it okay to use any eyedrop that doesnt say “remove contact lenses before using.”?
Best answer:
Answer by Alicia L
#1- You shouldn’t be smoking marijuana
#2- Don’t use Visine. It isn’t good for your eyes.
If it says to remove contact lenses before using, the smart thing to do would be not to use it with your lenses in. But, that might be hard for you to figure out since you’re stoned.
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