when it comes to drug addicts…?

Question by SnackJohnson: when it comes to drug addicts…?
i know that every year lots of people go to rehab for the abuse of drugs and alcohol. and sometimes they’re helped and sometimes they don’t touch those substances ever again. but is it possible that it can be a genetic disorder? like what if your gene make up CAUSES you to have cravings for more and more drugs? could this happen, and if it could what would you do? you can’t exactly mess with someone’s genetics right?

Best answer:

Answer by shannondawn64
Drugs mess with the dopamine levels in your brain. These are the hormones that give you the feel good feelings, but at some point they are unable to keep producing thus you loose that feeling of “everyting is going to be allright” then depression sets in and it is a downward spiral. It is very sad and some medications may help but it will be for a lifetime.

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