Whats the name of the contemporary hotel in LA from the rooftop scene at the end of the movie “Crank”?
Question by Yoosh: Whats the name of the contemporary hotel in LA from the rooftop scene at the end of the movie “Crank”?
Movie: Crank
Rooftop scene: Which Hotel in Los Angeles ??
“The last part of the movie finds Chev and Verona in a shoot-em’-up battle for supremacy that is too good to resist. The scene was shot on the rooftop of a hotel that is decked to the nines with futuristic decorations, with girls caged in glass balls.”
Best answer:
Answer by twojeeze
The link below will show you the building, but I dont know what the name of the building is. Its the one on the middle of the map with the number “12” on the rooftop. Maybe somebody from Los Angeles could help.
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