What’s President Obama agenda concerning War on Drugs & Narco-Terrorism in Mexico & USA?

Question by Amerikan: What’s President Obama agenda concerning War on Drugs & Narco-Terrorism in Mexico & USA?

What is bad for Mexico is bad for USA/ What is good for Mexico is good for USA. Mexico and USA are facing the same enemy.

Terrorism & Narco-Violence in Mexico is being imported from other countries or communist islands, such as Cuba and southern Florida, and TV broadcasting stations love to televised and speread it through the US Spanish media( Telemundo & Univision)
& CNN & Fox in the anglo media.
Raul Castro’s communist drug cartel operates in the Caribbean, between Cuba and Florida, and its at war against Mexican drug cartels in the northern border and pacific coast of Mexico,,and the Mexican government!
Although in Mexico are living millions of US Citizens, the wave of terrorism continues. ( war on drugs is a failure policy, and an excuse to spread terrorism in Mexico)! Is this terror nacro-communist tactic campaign worth for them and the USA interests?

This is a very important International issue for world wide peace and democracy: ” illegal drugs” & “Supply & Demand”;
* What a controversy!
An Issue that was not debated by Obama or Mcsame.
Will it be ? Regularization, Legalization, taxation, decriminalization?In the last third debate, McCain seemed so excited and enthusiastic with Colombian imports and trade agreements with Colombia! yeah-of course!, he needs his(white powder) coke! lol

“Cocaine” is harvested in Andino-America(Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador), and most of it, is trafficked ” via Cuba-Florida.”
why Terrorism In Mexico?
Who’s behind the violence and terrorism in Mexico?- Might be some drug traffickers, like communist Raul Castro, \and his friends in Miami,FL! ..What about ” Merida Initiative” ?
What about drugs and organized crime in Florida/Cuba/Venezuela and Cancun?

-What is President Obama position on that?

however, illegal drugs are supplied from all around the world,
black heroin from central-america, opium from Afghanistan and China, Ecstasy from the Netherlands, meths from other places,
Marijuana from Nepal, Mexico, Canada or homegrown,
All sort of prescribed medications. ,, Americans just LOVE drugs!

What is the solution?
( To keep blaming on Mexican Cartels and spread violence in Mexico, while hiding communist cuban-floridian drug trafficking and terrorism )?
or face the truth and Legalize, Regularize, and Tax?
Ask to your presidenti for a solution!
Just remember that most illegal drugs come to our country where are distributed, sold and consumed by million of Americans!

We don’t have to terrorize other countries for that, do we?
( supply and demand ) vs Peace & Justice,

Stop terrorism!

Best answer:

Answer by not even joking
not really anything on drugs but terrism who knows seriusly

Answer by Simian
Obama gets his cocaine from the Secret Service for security reasons, so he is OK with drugs for the next several years.

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