What would happen if I reported this?

Question by Joe: What would happen if I reported this?
Ok so my brothers girlfriend moved in with us. I live with my mom, I can’t stand her let alone live with her. My dad has “a drinking problem.” and is on probation. He can’t drive me cause of all her restraining orders. So lets say I reported my brothers gf to CPS. What kind of position would that put me in?
Lol I know it sounds selfish but you don’t know the whole story. Just please help me out.

Best answer:

Answer by Jay
The problem is that we don’t know the whole story.

You didn’t explain what the GF has done that warrants being reported? Is she abusing you?

Answer by Big One 0909
What does your reporting your brothers girlfriend to Child Protective Services have to do with ANY of your story other than that you admitted you can’t stand her?

What did you report her FOR?

Yes, this sounds Childish. I do not care What else you have to add.

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