What to do if you are being abused spiritually

What to do if you are being abused spiritually

Many people in places of worship find it difficult to intervene even when they suspect  a person is being spiritually abused. spiritual abuse in this case means  a form of power and control being used by one in position of authority in the place of worship or under the pretense of a religious belief. This can include sexual  abuse , verbal, emotional, ritual,spousal abuse , what ever robs the other person of his or her diniigity,confidence,trust in leaders,in men in the church. intimidation may be used, economic abuse, brainwashing, using  isolation,coercion, threat, put downs, harrass shifting responsibility,blame,mind games, guilt trip,humiliation . False prophesy to hold people bound and not  leave or to donate more moneymore than they can afford under undue influence.

Those who are supposed to help,are in denial  or turn a blind eye because the abuser may be a person of influence , a big donor, child of the leader of the organisation or that of an influential member’s child . there have been cases where a deacon’s son impregnated a  faithful single parent’s daughter and even when the  victim is a minor ,there are cover ups and blames heaped on the minor, Threats , gossips, warnings  and possibility of excommunications.

Like Eli’s sons in the bible , there were lots of complaints but because of their position as the leaders’ children , nothing was done about it till judgment  came upon that family.

In most cases , parents are reluctant to seek help themselves from social services, or  from those who can help beacuse  they believe their chilren might be taken from them .Some members of the organisation that express their concern  might be treated  like  traitors, The abuser might be a saint, respected  in the place of worship  and transforms to  a tyrant that bullies his wife  and abused his family  .They command fear, and absolute obedience, using scripture out of context to suit their need.bully ,punish and terrorize  them.

Some have anger issues  and slap their wife or victim into submission.To  notice signs of extreme control and abuse, one should first realise that a place where there is no freedom of worship has something missing . most people join a place of worship for freedom, to be free from lonliness, rejection,to  be in a family where they can worship God together  with joy , peace of mind and grow in a safe environment and community.

Serecy  feeds the power and control of the abuser. if you are not confortable telling a member of the church or place of worship tell a friend , family member that  can  be trusted with confidentiality.How  do you know when an abuse starts and recognise them, and how do you get out of it before it begins to mess with your brain.

Signs of extreme  control in the church or place of worship are : to ask yourself this questions   are you made to look like there is something wrong with you  when you  say what  you are going through, are you made to look like  no body will belive you any way , are you made to belive you would  destoy the  reputation  of the organisation?,

Evaluation of the situation  to determine the least harmful environment for you and your family might need to be  done  so you dont  keep up you morale and self esteem down .Those who attend places of worship joined volutarily and must be free to leave  without  been made to feel guilty and stigmatised . They should not think all churches and places of worship are all the same . do a lot of research look before you join and if there is any thing illegal, unethical or unspiritual going on ,flee. Those who hve been through years of  spiritual abuse need to heal, emotionaly and if there was sexual abuse or ritual abuse  report should be made to the appropriate  organisation so that other people will not go through  the same  kind of abuse. as some might lead to death if it is witch hunting, or a ritual abuse.Counter – cult counselling is available, life coaching and other ways of dealing with unresolved  issues and healing emotional wounds. It is important to break the silence,stop the cycle of abuse.No one  has the right to batter you, physically or verbally

Veronica has a legal and educational background, a member of the Law society England and Wales, National Association of Licensed paralegal , An Institute of Leadership management member, she is a Life coach and owner of F C Coaching and consultancy. She is a leader in Prayer and faith Clinic London