What does acid do to you? The drug?
Question by Roxanne: What does acid do to you? The drug?
I never plan on doing acid but what can this drug do to someone in the long run? Heart attack? Any kind of diseases? Cancers?
Best answer:
Answer by Jen
It can cause latent mental disorders to surface… :-/
Answer by Zydeco
LSD is not linked to any long-term effects whatsoever. Even continued repeated use has never been documented to have any connection to any diseases like heart disease, cancer or any other problems.
LSD is not considered addictive, but may be habit-forming, in that a user may become accustomed to the effects of the drug and prefer it to life without the drug. It is rated as less addictive than aspirin.
What are the short-term effects of LSD?
LSD causes the connections in your brain to fire randomly. This will affect all of your senses, which may be either a pleasant experience for you (a good trip) or an unpleasant experience (a bad trip) based on your expectations, mood and environment.
For instance, when you normally smell a rose, your brain normally processes the scent, and tells you it’s a flower, it’s a rose, and that you have smelled this scent before. On LSD your brain may think the scent is altered because it is not using the normal connections in the usual way. You may think you’re smelling a different scent altogether, or one that is recognizable as a rose, but not quite like any rose you have ever smelled before.
Your brain relies on established patterns that you have been learning all your life. You know that if a ball falls from a table in front of you, you can accurately predict the speed it will fall, and that it will hit the floor.
LSD will affect subtle changes in the way information is processed by your brain, so that your perceptions of of the world around you will be different.
LSD also has a mood-enhancing effect, so if you are calm to begin with, it will enhance your calm. If you are angry or scared, it will increase this.
LSD was used successfully for many decades in Psychoanalysis by many respected doctors, PhDs and medical professionals, and even some famous people like Cary Grant (see link below), who considered it (he took it more than sixty times) a wonderful life-changing experience. Your parent have almost certainly dropped acid.
What are the long-term effects of LSD?
There is a great deal of debate about the long term affects of LSD. First off, the chemical itself is broken down and flushes totally out of your body within 12 to 24 hours. There are anecdotal accounts of “Flashbacks” in perhaps less than 1% of the people who have taken the drug, but these “flashbacks” have never been properly studied or analyzed (which is why they are anecdotal).
The effects of LSD are mostly confined to the brain itself. Wikipedia lists these symptoms:
“Physical reactions to LSD are highly variable and nonspecific. The following symptoms have been reported: uterine contractions, hypothermia, fever, elevated levels of blood sugar, goose bumps, increase in heart rate, jaw clenching, perspiration, pupil-dilation, saliva production, mucus production, sleeplessness, hyperreflexia, and tremors. Some users report a strong metallic taste for the duration of the effects. LSD users have reported numbness, weakness and nausea.”
“LSD is not considered addictive, in that its users do not exhibit the medical community’s commonly accepted definitions of addiction and physical dependence. Rapid tolerance build-up prevents regular use.”
LSD is not a dangerous drug in and of itself, but any drug you buy on the street should be considered highly suspect and can contain any adulterant from Ecstasy to rat poison.
If you are considering doing LSD, you should get it from a VERY trusted source, and it is best to have a friend with you who has done it before to “spot” you; that is, talk to you and guide you through the experience. You should do it in a pleasant, non-threatening environment, and try small amounts first.
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