what do police do when it comes to delinquency prevention?

Question by julster116: what do police do when it comes to delinquency prevention?
what about youth and guns, and even gangs? do they really do anything to try and prevent this?

Best answer:

Answer by Patricia M
Some times they walk the neighborhoods and reach out to the kids and just ask whats up to start a conversation. They try to get the feel of the hood.

Answer by true_blue_canadian_copper
“Delinquency prevention” is something that parents are supposed to do.

Many departments have youth programs in place in regards to drugs and gangs, it depends where you live.

The whole “community policing” model is based on the prevention principle.

National Night Out to Focus on Crime Prevention Around Los Angeles
"National Night Out is designed to strengthen police-community partnerships and neighborhood spirit, heighten crime- and drug-prevention awareness, and generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs,'' the Los Angeles County … Read more on Patch.com