What do I do if my sisters on meth.?
Question by : What do I do if my sisters on meth.?
im 19 my sister is 25; six years apart. She got into meth right after high school. And I suspect she has been in and out of it since then. She had her own place for several years, but 6 months ago she was fired and moved into my dads house bc she couldn’t pay rent, and to get away from her ex. She got a new job from my moms friend and my mom says she makes like $ 500 a week. OFTEN She is very moody and stays overnight elsewhere without letting anyone know. She comes back in the morning tired and sleeps through the day. She is ALWAYS broke, yet my dad and I have seen no signs of her buying food, clothes, or paying her debt, or contributing to rent. She has no hobbies.
meanwhile I am an unemployed college student And My mom has to pay for my gas even though i wish i could.
I feel resentful my sister has this great opportunity to pay off debt, buy clothes for herself, afford a hobby.Move forward in life, But instead she hasnt done a single thing to move forward in the last six months. I love my sister but i Despise how shes running her life right now.
I want to convey the idea that– if you do the same thing you get the same results. i.e. her last six years of nothing.
But the other part of me just wants to let her crash and burn without and verbal concerns from her brother. Currently I live at my moms because I dont want to be exposed to her Stupid behavior.\
Her absolute lack of forethought is what angers me most.
Thank you for your helpful incite.
I will keep that in mind to live my life
and not let it eat at me.
You cant really talk somone
out of doing meth.. it has to be there idea.
April H,
Ide love to tell her off but
she would be defensive and
ignore everything i say.( me and my dad tried)
my parents don’t give her money, shes 25
she had help getting back on her feet when she was 18.
now shes 25 if she hasn’t gotten the idea that maybe doing meth isnt helping her life. what good would that do.
Best answer:
Answer by Debi
Since you have no proof that your sister is doing meth, there’s not much you can do about that part of the situation. But I understand how much the unfairness hurts you, having been in a similar boat myself.
I was bitter and angry about the partiality my parents showed my sister until I was almost 40 years old. (Yeah, I’m old, lol.) You can’t influence your parents’ decision to keep supporting this girl, you can only change your reaction to it. Remember that your parents love you, too. She’s needy and lost, so they feel more compelled to help her than you. It doesn’t mean they love you less.
Keep staying with your mom. Finish your education. The best “revenge” (if that’s what you really need or want) is living a good life and not letting your sister’s stupid behavior eat at you.
Hang in there!
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