What did Chris Andersen from the Nuggets test positive for to get kicked out of the NBA for 2 years?

Question by feldy: What did Chris Andersen from the Nuggets test positive for to get kicked out of the NBA for 2 years?
I know there is no official release on what it was but I know it was a “drug of abuse” aka pretty much anything worse than weed. Has anyone heard any rumors or any idea of what it probably was? I would imagine its coke but still curious.

Best answer:

Answer by …
hold on he just put out a line for me… i’ll ask him in a few

Answer by Nickster
What up feldy,

It is not clearly disclosed. But according to this article it was probably some kind of amphetamine which also served as a masking agent.

See source below.


Drug abuse and Hollywood – Whitney Houston’s struggle with drugs raises questions about substance abuse in Hollywood. CNN’s Miguel Marquez reports.