what are kappa opiods?

Question by tater1: what are kappa opiods?
some type of pain medications

Best answer:

Answer by Tin S
Kappa opioids have recently been investigated for their therapeutic potential in the treatment of addiction[37] and evidence points towards dynorphin, the endogenous kappa agonist, to be the body’s natural addiction control mechanism.[38] Childhood stress/abuse is a well known predictor of drug abuse and is reflected in alterations of the mu and kappa opioid systems.[39] In experimental “addiction” models the Kappa-opioid receptor has also been shown to influence stress-induced relapse to drug seeking behavior. For the drug dependent individual, risk of relapse is a major obstacle to becoming drug free. Recent reports demonstrated that Kappa-opioid receptors are required for stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking.[40][41]


Congressman Radel’s press conference – Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fort Myers, will take a leave of absence from Congress as he seeks intensive treatment for cocaine addiction.


Editorial: Actor's death puts needed light on heroin abuse
For information about local drug and alcohol treatment options, call the Dutchess County Helpline for crisis intervention, telephone counseling, information and referral – 24 hours/day, 7 days/week: 845-485-9700 or toll-free 877-485-9700. More … Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal

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