Wall Street decimates black America
Wall Street decimates black America
And sometimes it doesn't require resistance at all. On the South Side of Chicago, explained Toussaint Losier, a community organizer completing his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, “They bust in the door, and it's at the point of a gun that you get … Read more on Salon
Thanks, Internet. You Killed the Mystery of the Music Bargain Bin
“Stick Freighter” starts out with that cheesy, fruity muzak repetitive funk strut, and then tosses in the burbling video game effects from before there were video games — the corny feel good crescendos counterpointed with anticlimactic cutesy spits … Read more on Wired
Filipinas held in HK for drug smuggling
Crystal methamphetamine creates a feeling of euphoria and increased confidence but hallucinations and paranoia are potential side-effects. It has become a drug of choice for young addicts in Asia. Under Hong Kong law, manufacturing and trafficking … Read more on Rappler