unusual tongue sucking habit???!?

Question by shy201: unusual tongue sucking habit???!?
ive been sucking my tongue for the past 10 years ( fyi im not 10 years old..much older than 10 years old hehehe) ..

its like a subconcious addiction…i cant even go to or fall asleep without sucking my tongue
and its like a relaxing state…..and a pure heroine addiction that i just cant stop…..

it wouldnt be a problem because i actually like sucking my tongue
(as i have said, it puts me into a relaxed state) but the problem is sucking your tongue is known to make ur tongue bigger, which information cause muscle pain in the tongue and extreme uncomfortableness…as a result it gives impression tht ur mouth is big… ( right now i have a normal size mouth but over the years i culd feel it getting bigger)

and by sucking my tongue.. i fold the tip of my tongue and fold it ontop like the back part of my tongue moving it slightly back and forth….

so has anyone seem to have this problem or like is there any suggestions before i consult with a doctor..( even though they might not help as much)
and please if ur gonna answer please answer and not just leave blanked dotted answers.. just for two points

Best answer:

Answer by lol
Never heard of this, like ever but anyways how have you not like choked on your tongue in you sleep if you do it then… just try to replace the tongue with something else and ween yourself from it or quit purely on self discipline that is something I would have to think about before doing so just if you catch yourself doing it stop

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