Types of Speed Camera in Scotland

Types of Speed Camera in Scotland

You will find speed cameras all over Scotland. They are not invincible. We win speed camera cases everyday. There is no easy formula to follow. Each case needs to be tackled head on and every angle checked. That is what we will do if you want us to deal with a speed camera case for you.

The infamous GATSO tends to be sited at the side of the road. In the past it used induction loops laid into the road to detect speeding drivers but now most models use radar. In Scotland they tend to be set so that they can only “observe” one side of the road. The old film devices are being replaced with digital technology that takes the picture, the computer then accesses registered keeper details and automatically prints a letter to serve on the registered keeper. The photograph is of the back of the vehicle therefore it is difficult if not impossible to identify the driver with the photographs obtained. We visited the factory  and have to admit that they run a really impressive operation.More info at www.roadtrafficlaw.com

The Truvelo speed camera is a lot like the GATSO but it has the added advantage of being able to position it facing in either direction. It can photograph oncoming vehicles therefore can get a shot of your face as you drive past. How and when such a photograph can be used against you in evidence is questionable. It raises some interesting points about your human rightsand the right to “private life” They are also cheaper than the GATSO. When we last checked the GATSO cost around £44,000 and the Truvelos were around £28,000. Although you will see a flash in your mirror when you speed past a GATSO the Truvelo doesn’t do that. It uses infra red light so no flash required.

The SPECS speed camera system is well know to anyone who trvels up and down to Ayr. They are sited on gantries over the road and have been nicknamed “the yellow vultures” They consist of a couple of video cameras that use infra red to allow them to work 24/7.

Drivers pass between the entry and exit camera points positioned along the relevant roadway. (Normally Dual carriageway or motorway) their number plates are digitally recorded, Then, by ANPR recognition, the images on the video of matching number plates are paired up, and because each image carries a date and time stamp, the computer can establish your average speed between the cameras.

Again similiar to the GATSO. Peek cameras use inductive loops in the roadway to detect the speed contravention then take a photograph of the back of the vehicle.

Again similar to the dreaded GATSO but use piezo electric cells for speed detection of the vehicle. The piezos are positioned in the ground at start and end position. These guys take a photograph of the back of the car so again an identification issue may arise depending upon how you respond to the Notice of Intended Penalty.

The Road Safety Initiatives throughout Scotland use a variety of mobile and hand devices to detect speeding. Sometimes referred to as the “Talivan”

These systems include; Mini-Gatso, TSS system and Teletraffic (laser guns). LTI 20/20,Mini-Gatso, the technology used in a Mini-Gatso unit is very similar to that used within a fixed position Gatso speed camera, using radar. Laser technology is radically different and involves aiming a laser beam at a vehicles number plate from a great distance away. There have been very few scientific studies regarding the effect of large distance detection eg. Has the beam spread wide enough to detect the white reflective road markings?

When used from a bridge does the angle of detection effect the reading etc etc.

The “Road Safety Teams” use vehicles installed with laser speed traps to detect speeding vehicles from a distance of 1000 metres or more. Clients often say that they could not have been detected as the van was too far away. Issues arise in connection with the laser equipment and we await the outcome of an interesting appeal pending at the High Court in Edinburgh regarding the proper authorisation of such laser speed detectors in Scotland.

Graham Walker LLb,Dip LP NP Solicitor Scotland is a well known road traffic lawyer working in the courts of Scotland for more than 25 years