Twin Falls is home to three meth-contaminated houses

Twin Falls is home to three meth-contaminated houses
Filed under: meth signs

W., lining the property with yellow tape as men in white hazardous materials suits scoured the shed for tell-tale signs of meth production. Later, with his tenants jailed and the shed's contents removed, Campbell thought it would be safe to rent out …


Meth Bust Shines Light on Bigger Problem
Filed under: meth signs

"Deputies begin to notice the signs of an active meth lab. Entry was made into the residence and in fact did find a meth lab that actually was cooking." Taken into custody: Tony Roger Foley, Jr., Paul Michael Jones and Kelly McMillan. …


Early Warning Signs of Meth

( Methamphetamine (“meth”) use affects more than just the person using the drug. It literally impacts the lives of all Utah citizens: users, siblings, parents, grandparents, children, friends, educators, businesses – and indeed entire communities. The drug possesses an insidious ability to strike in some unexpected places. In fact, the face of meth addiction is most often that of a woman. Meth use in Utah has devastating effects for families and communities. To Learn more, visit Methamphetamine (“meth”) use affects more than just the person using the drug. It literally impacts the lives of all Utah citizens: users, siblings, parents, grandparents, children, friends, educators, businesses – and indeed entire communities. The drug possesses an insidious ability to strike in some unexpected places. In fact, the face of meth addiction is most often that of a woman. Meth use in Utah has devastating effects for families and communities. To Learn more, visit


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