Treatment For Alcohol Abuse: How to deal with denial in alcoholism with Dr Rodriquez and Delray Center

Treatment For Alcohol Abuse: How to deal with denial in alcoholism with Dr Rodriquez and Delray Center

Denial in Alcoholism Now lets talk about denial in alcoholism, denial is a huge problem with alcoholism starting that alcohol is legal, its common, every body drinks it so its very easy to think that your behavior is still normal, especially when everybody around you is still drinking, now that is one reason why people fall into the denial of having alcoholism. Another reason is the illusion that if I’m still working I can’t be that bad, alcoholism sometimes takes awhile to really become obvious, obvious enough that you get fired and loose your job or go to jail. So while the person is drinking in a clearly unhealthy and problematic manner they may still be able to hold their job during the day and look otherwise normal during the day up until five, six o clock at night. That tendency of being able to hold the job while there is clearly pathological alcohol consumption in the evening or for the rest of the day or the days off definitely fosters a sense of denial with having a problem with alcohol. These people are often called functional alcoholics; the person who is otherwise functioning in their life at least on some level just enough so that their problem is not obvious to everybody but still not so much that they really are not in the absence of having a problem. Dr Raul J Rodriguez MD, a double Board Certified Psychiatrist and Addictionologist, discusses denial in alcoholism.Denial in
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