Transient pleads guilty in drug-induced, psychotic rampage at courthouse Man

Transient pleads guilty in drug-induced, psychotic rampage at courthouse Man
… sentenced to three months in jail, which is less time than the 255 days he spent awaiting trial in custody. The rampage began about 5 p.m. Oct. 15 when Contreras, in the grip of a meth-induced psychosis, broke out the rear windows of four … Read more on Yakima Herald-Republic

Witness: leaked cables contained classified info – WVVA TV Bluefield Beckley
Children walk across the U.S.-Mexico border with crystal methamphetamine strapped to their backs or concealed between notebook pages. Motorists disguise liquid …. His assessment was that the video should be unclassified. That contradicted evidence … Read more on WVVA TV

Bryan Cranston of 'Breaking Bad' Wants You to Ride Shotgun in His RV
Any Breaking Bad fan can tell you Walt used an RV as a mobile meth lab. Cranston announced the contest in a recent Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session, during which he discussed Breaking Bad's fifth and final season, among other topics. Watch the video … Read more on Mashable

vlog 1 “meth addict” – This is my first vlog entry. This little story happened to me a few weeks ago and I thought it would be interesting to share.