The Pit Bull Problem: “The e-mails”

The Pit Bull Problem: “The e-mails”
Editor’s note: We asked you to “crowd source” us with information and statistics and testimony of attacks and analysis … or just a simple e-mail to tell us how you feel about pit bulls, for good and for worse. One person told another, who told another … and then the e-mails flooded in from all parts of the country, and Canada. Here are a handful of those e-mails, unedited. Some of the …
Read more on The Trentonian

UK: Terrorism Search Power Violates Rights
Source: Human Rights Watch (London) – The new UK coalition government should repeal an abusive counterterrorism power that has led to hundreds of thousands of people being stopped and searched without reasonable suspicion of …
Read more on AlertNet

The High Price of Genetic Research
Who am I? It’s an age-old question that seekers have tried to answer in a variety of ways. In the past the curious would have turned to books on philosophy, or secrets of meditation and yoga to find the answer. Some, like Emory’s own Christopher McCandless, sought an answer in the wilderness.
Read more on The Emory Wheel