The Paris Winter

The Paris Winter
But Sylvie has a secret: an addiction to opium. As Maud is drawn into the Morels' world of elegant luxury, their secrets become hers. Before the New Year arrives, a greater deception will plunge her into the darkness that waits beneath this glittering … Read more on Lovereading

Et Coca-Cola n'inventa pas le Père Noël
Sa consommation allant en augmentant, il cherche un remède qui lui passera son addiction. En Europe, le chimiste français Angelo Mariani commercialise depuis 1863 son Vin Mariani, un mix de cru de Bordeaux et de feuille de coca, que l'on dit calmant et … Read more on Bilan

UN Report: Afghan Poppies Creates Global Instability – The newly-released Afghan Opium Survey 2009 concludes opium production in that country has become a problem affecting the international community as a whole….