The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Health. Quit Smoking!

1 year) Pamper yourself (baths, aromatic oils, start walking on trails, cycling) On the morning of quit date wet the cigarettes and destroy them, wash ashtrays and put them away.

Step 3 People Who Succeed Best Get Help

A business person gets a lawyer to write contracts, an advertising agency to create ads, a marketing executive to do the marketing, an accountant to do the accounting.

Ask for support from family members, friends and co-workers. Ask for their tolerance. Let them know you are quitting and you might be edgy or grumpy. Ask them not to smoke in your presence. Look up American Cancer Society and American Lung and Heart association for Quit Smoking Programs. National Cancer Institute has a Smoking Quit Line offering proactive counseling. You can join a small group of other quitters Nicotine Anonymous. Quitnet is an online program like Nicotine Anonymous. They have a 12 step program based on AA. Reading stories of others help you realize you are not alone. With no program only 5% of quitters are still smoke free at the end of 12 months.

Urge to Smoke

Remember the urge to smoke only lasts a few minutes and will pass. The urges gradually become farther and farther apart as the days go by. During an urge you can beat up your stuffed animals, rip up old magazines. The best thing to do is inhale deep. Fill your lungs full of air and exhale very slowly. Inhale and exhale three times. It will be your greatest weapon during strong cravings.

Restore and Replenish Nutrient Reserves

Depending on how long you smoked you have a co-existence issue of toxicity and nutrient depletion. Drink lots of water and sugar free juices especially the acai berry 19 fruit blend in one healthy drink. The antioxidants will flush out the nicotine and other poisons from your body.

Cook with garlic. Garlic is high in sulfur and selenium and helps pull cadmium from the body (a toxic mineral by-product of smoking)

Affraid to gain weight throw away your butter, margarine, and vegetable oils. Only use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing not for cooking. Olive oil plays a role in improving cholesterol levels and contains antioxidants. Use good quality coconut oil/butter for cooking. It’s impotant not to buy cheap (dried) coconut oil/butter not fit for human consumption. You need to buy fresh meaning processed within 24 hours after picking. Coconut oil does not go rancid even when cooked at high temperatures. It is a natural fat and has no negative impact on cholesterol or the health of arteries.It is available on-line. Don’t have a credit card. Pre-paid ones are available.

The MonaVie Fruits Helpful in Detox

Passion Fruit

excellent source of vitamin A and C
potassium and sodium
good source of iron
magnesium, niacin, phospherous

My name is Laurie Robillard. I have strong feelings and opinions about almost
everything– house pets but I’m not Doctor Dolittle, walking to work, using the stairs instead of the elevator, parking at the end of the mall’s parking lot
instead of at the door, alternative medicine, making relaxation appointments
for yourself. I like to tenderly care for my grand children. In the last few months I’ve done a good job at saving myself by plunging in wholeheartedly
on research about nutrition health benefits. I have made discoveries that I want to share. I now have a one person to person distribution business
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