The 12 Steps Used Holistically In Drug Rehab Treatment

Article by axis house

The Twelve Step Model of drug rehab treatment is a proven method, which has stood the test of time. That is why it is valued by quality rehabilitation facilities. At Axis Residential Treatment this approach is embraced with enthusiasm, and with the added twist of a holistic approach. So what are the twelve steps and how do they fit in with a holistic approach? This article will provide an overview.

The focus of the 12 Steps is ultimately about taking one day at a time. When you are dealing with something as serious as drug rehab treatment it just makes sense to take such an approach. Because a drug or alcohol problem affects the body, mind, and spirit, we believe a holistic approach is best. This is a comprehensive way of addressing all the needs of an individual. It insures that no stone is left unturned. That combined with the 12 Steps results in an extremely high success rate.

Step One of the 12 Steps is about recognizing and admitting that there is a problem. Clearly, if one remains in denial there is little opportunity for recovery. The realization that a problem exists can be the first step on the journey back to having control in one’s life. The Second and Third steps have to do with realizing that recovery requires more than simply saying you will give up drugs. It actually requires that you realize it will take a power greater than you.

While our drug rehab program offers a focus on spirituality, one does not have to be religious to use the 12 Step approach. However, for those that do have a faith in God or a Higher Power, their religion will fit in perfectly with the 12 Step program. Steps Four through Seven focus on seeking relief from things in one’s character that are working to sabotage his or her life. Further, these particular steps strive to free the individual from the bondages that have been self inflicted.

Steps Eight, Nine, and Ten have to do with taking inventory of past wrongs and making amends whenever possible – without causing stress or harm in doing so. The Eleventh Step is about having a commitment to continue one’s life drug-free. This deep commitment can be strengthened through prayer and meditation, but of course, the other elements of the drug rehab treatment provided at Axis Residential Treatment are designed to make the process easier. Step Twelve focuses on practicing the principles learned and carrying the message to others.

Matthew Browning recently released a report that discusses drug rehab treatment programs offered by various centers across the nation. According to Browning, the centers with the highest success rates utilized combined approaches. He contends that a holistic approach along with the 12 Steps seems to be the most successful drug rehab program. Among the few centers offering this combination, Browning recommends Axis Residential Treatment.

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