Teenage mum in date rape tragedy

Teenage mum in date rape tragedy
Shaunie Liddle, 19, and her unnamed boyfriend had been advised by a friend to use small amounts of illegal drug gamma hydroxybutyrate, known as GHB. The couple, from Darlington, Co Durham, kept taking it when they did not feel the sleep effects quickly … Read more on Daily Star

Aussie Festival 'Worst Ever' Say Paramedics, Details On Death Emerge
Further painting a nightmarish vision of the medical tent at the dance festival, Brotherhood added that punters were overdosing on drugs from “every letter in the alphabet,” including MDMA, LSD, GHB, and ecstasy. “If they're willing to as you say stuff … Read more on Tone Deaf

Profile: 'Below Deck' star Adrienne Gang: Sip without danger
She later discovered that she had been drugged with GHB, also known as a prominent "date-rape drug." … "It was deduced that whoever did this to me realized that they had overdosed me because it happened so quickly and I couldn't stand," Gang said. Read more on The Republic

Effects of Ghb – The many looks of someone on Ghb My girlfriend on G.