
Is it likely an alcoholic (chemically dependent) can become a social drinker?

Question by Zloar: Is it likely an alcoholic (chemically dependent) can become a social drinker?
Can someone chemically dependent on alcohol beat the addiction, but still be a social drinker, or do they need to stay off the “juice” to overcome alcoholism? Personal stories a plus. Please no links… Continue reading

Can someone give me a crash course in alcoholic drinks?

Question by The Man: Can someone give me a crash course in alcoholic drinks?
I seriously don’t know much more than beer and liquor. What kind of drinks are there? Help! I’m a alcohol virgin.

Best answer:

Answer by Mat P
Here’s a tip….if you find an alcoholic drink…..drink… Continue reading

Can anyone help me find info on different alcoholic drinks enjoyed worldwide on New Years eve?

Question by TJ: Can anyone help me find info on different alcoholic drinks enjoyed worldwide on New Years eve?
I am looking for cultural differences, different or interesting drinks. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by netgio
sake in japan
actuary anything everything.
it’s completely personal choice.
but you can see… Continue reading

Advice to get help for an alcoholic or addicted family member We can help an alcoholic family member get sober and stay that way. We know what how to talk to a drug addicted family member. Our drug rehab and alcohol treatment has saved lives of thousands call us for help with your family.

How to Stop Arguing With an Alcoholic How to quit arguing with an alcoholic is a matter of changing your behaviors. They are not going to change, the responsibility is in our hands. 1) Refuse to argue 2) Stop Confronting 3) Accept I can help you stop arguing with an alcoholic. I can help you quit… Continue reading

Do You Get a Red Face when Drinking Consuming Alcohol Alcoholic Beverages.avi Do you get a red face when drinking or consuming alcoholic beverages? Do you get an alcohol red face or other allergic symptoms when you consume alcoholic beverages? The most frequently reported symptoms of alcohol allergy is flushing, increased heart rate and reduced blood pressure. Here are the most… Continue reading