Study Explains How Associative Reward Learning with Remembered Pleasure

Study Explains How Associative Reward Learning with Remembered Pleasure
Addiction to all four major classes of abused drugs — psychostimulants, opiates, ethanol and nicotine — has been linked to increased dopamine transmission in the same parts of the brain associated with normal reward processing. The molecular events … Read more on

Drug deaths in Scotland remain high, figures show
The heroin replacement – which costs £100,000 a day – should continue as a treatment for addicts, the Scottish Drugs Strategy Delivery Commission said earlier this month, but more should be done to get users on the road to recovery, including better … Read more on Scotsman

Home News Addicts turn to heroin, other drugs to replace…
After alcohol, opiates are the most common addiction treated at the Pinewood Centre. Officials from Pinewood and the John Howard Society report changes last year to the availability of OxyContin, a brand name for oxycodone, has had a major impact on … Read more on

What is Individual Therapy in Addiction Treatment – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. The purpose of individual therapy in addiction treatment is prima…