Soccer helps homeless get off street, into life
Soccer helps homeless get off street, into life
Wearing a lime jersey for the Sacramento Mohawks, 46-year-old Dalbert Shaw said he'd been a meth addict for 32 years. He credits street soccer for his three years of sobriety. "I'd probably still be using without it," Shaw said. "This allows me to be … Read more on San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Drug-dealing parents await their fates
KITCHENER — How long should a crystal meth-addicted couple go to jail for selling drugs out their back door within a block of two elementary schools? Six to 10 years says the prosecutor. They had a lot of drugs and stocked the Kitchener bungalow with … Read more on Waterloo Record
Suspected meth users call police on themselves – Suspected meth users call police on themselves.