So after years, my friend relapsed into meth when he quit heroin. What do I do with his dumb !?*@&?

Question by Raven: So after years, my friend relapsed into meth when he quit heroin. What do I do with his dumb !?*@&?
As far as I know, he shot up once, smoked it twice, and now has shot up 4-5 times tonight. I would like to get him off it before he’s back on. He got the money from me, because he doesn’t have a job, and I thought it was for something else. Thankfully, he can’t buy more without getting money from me, or stealing.

What can I do to support him in wanting to quit, and in managing dopamine levels?

Thank you Tink, you are right, as are you BG.

Unfortunately, I am down to what I CAN do, since I won’t send someone back to the streets to sell ass, and do dope– What I’m really after are the ways I can support his recovery, brain chemical levels, and choices, while creating a positive environment, and helping him change the habits, and responses that can lead to a relapse. I can’t do it for him, and if he didn’t want to do it himself, we wouldn’t be anywhere near this far in recovery. So far, he’s got 1-day, and one night back with total sobriety.

So… Help please!


Best answer:

Answer by Tink
You can want him to dance in a blue tutu – you might want to get used to the idea that you probably won’t get what you want. He has to want to quit. Wake up – he is already “back on” or he wouldn’t have done it the second and third times…and he’s already back into the needle. That’s real bad news. If I were you, I would drop him like a bad habit, because people (even family) don’t mean nothing to addicts. He will use you like toilet paper and toss you aside.

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