Should President Obama lessen crack cocaine penalties for using and dealing?

Question by swordofthespirit2: Should President Obama lessen crack cocaine penalties for using and dealing?
Barry has Eric Holder investigating the potential to get his bros out of jail early so they can “get their lives back together”…tying up alot of prison resources that could otherwise be used to hold good citiziens who merely disagree with his policy. You know people like Pro lifers, those against illegal immigration, those for the right to own guns, returning war veterans will need to have a place for their incarceration if that Janet Napolitano has her way. She has alerted the countries police departments in her capacity has DHS that we are potential threats. What a screw ball this obama clone is.

If Barry really wanted to free space and court time he should consider that action for pot users and dealers. Of course, crack cocaine is the choice of his people and would help more blacks return to their lives of crime.

Best answer:

Answer by DR. phil of sh*t
Look at it this way When barry says you can’t own a gun or does any other thing the CONSTITUTION gives you the right to he at that point is no longer the president he is then a tyrant and the constitution gives us the right and the responsibility as citizens to fight him by any means needed.

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