Sandles thrown at me, Help?
Question by dom: Sandles thrown at me, Help?
alright I am 15 and a week ago I was getting out of the shower and my friend took his thin sandle and chucked it at my “Thing, Thing” while I had an erection. The sandle cut open my shaft a little, throughout the week I have been putting neo-spoeren, vasaline, rubbing alcohol, and this nasty smelly stuff that is used for treating planters warts with “my friend who is really good at health said the medicine will help”. Well after a week of using all those items the cut on my shaft is 4 times the size and around the spot I am seeing purple and black area. What should I do, answers would be greatly appreciated guys, I have no idea what is happening
big purple spot
Best answer:
Answer by Megan
you have a bruise on your penis.
haha thats funny.
just let it heal.
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