Revealed: The Top 12 Places to Avoid in Britain
Revealed: The Top 12 Places to Avoid in Britain
Nearly half of the overdoses were from cocaine abuse. Job crisis in Hull The city has the highest Jobseekers' Allowance bill in the UK. Hull has a population of 257,000 but around 9% claim unemployment benefit and the city spent £53 million in taxed … Read more on Yahoo News UK
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Hollywood's drug addiction: Why did nobody care …
High School Musical star Zac Efron was also in rehab last year, reportedly fighting a cocaine addiction. Such is the prevalence of drugs that a celebrity needs to be hospitalised or have a run-in with the law for the story to break in the quality press. Read more on The Independent
Crack Pipe Vending Machines Slammed By Feds
“While the NDP and Liberals would prefer that doctors hand out heroin and needles to those suffering from addiction, this government supports treatment that ends drug use, including limiting access to drug paraphernalia by young people.” Mark Townsend … Read more on Huffington Post Canada